We are heading to Scioto Hills Camp to join other middle school and high school students to grow in our relationships with Jesus and each other. This will be a fun weekend! Genesis is a weekend designed to ignite a passion in young believers for living a radical life for Jesus Christ. Genesis Camp is an engaging and exciting time of worship, fellowship and instruction from the Word of God. The weekend will include:
Powerful messages from faithful speakers
Intentional alone time and group discussion
Passionate, professional worship sessions
Activities & tournaments for everyone
Cost: $110/student an optional long sleeved t-shirt can be purchased for $18, students will also need some cash for a meal on the way home (Make checks, payable for full amount, to New Community Church and write “Student Ministry Winter Camp” on the memo line)
What to bring: Warm clothes, tennis shoes, clothing they can play in, Bible, towel, wash cloth, toiletries, sleeping bag or twin sheets and pillow, sack lunch for the ride down
When: We will leave from New Community at 4:30pm on Friday, February 28 and return around 2:30 on Sunday, March 1.