This four week series studying the first two chapters of the Gospel According to Matthew reveals God's powerful hand through the genealogy of Jesus, the dreams of Joseph, the words of the prophets, and the displacement of human authority with divine. Please join us.
Advent Series: Genes, Dreams, Prophets and Kings (Matthew 1:1-17)
Why We DON'T Gather (Matthew 28:18-20)
This week we will ask, “Why we Don’t Gather…?” If you are new to New Community, you may not know this about us, but four times a year we do not gather on a Sunday morning, at least not in the same way we do typically. Whenever there are five Sundays in a month, we take that fifth Sunday and we participate in what we call Away Games. As the name suggests, we engage in activities away from the church's meeting house. This message is about re-evaluating this practice as well as reminding us of it's purpose.