Who We Are
New Community Church is a community of believers who love Jesus and desire to make Him the big deal in everything we do.
We meet collectively each weekend in what we call our 'gathering.' We currently have one gathering location at the Xenia Community Center. Gatherings are important, but the big deal is our house churches.
We have approximately 14 house churches spread all throughout the Greater Xenia area, meeting on different days of the week. We really believe that true discipleship, growth, and accountability happen best within the house church, not necessarily at the large gatherings each weekend.
The 3G Model
There are three basic practices that define what we do: gather, grow, go. We call this the 3G Model. We believe that all three G's play a crucial part in our lives as both individuals and a ministry as a whole. We also believe that all three G's are a vital part of making and maturing disciples.
Stories shape and define us. The story that defines us, the Church, is the Gospel; God’s saving and recreating action in the person and work of Jesus on our behalf — for the world. We’re called to both tell others and recall to ourselves this story. Paul tells us, “Let the word of Christ (message of Jesus) dwell in you richly….” (Col 3:16). When the Church gathers, we remind each other who God is, who we are and what He’s up to in this world. One way we do this is in our weekend gatherings. Every weekend, we gather together to recall, remember and share His story and who we are in light of it. We do this through, baptism, communion, family ministry, preaching, prayer, and worship so we might go out and be who we are in His story.
Members in house churches are encouraged to explore their gifting and talents for the good of the body. A house church will have a mix of all ages — this is very intentional. These are diverse groups of people representative of the area in which they live. Many house churches engage in ministry in their neighborhood. The house church movement provides opportunities for believers to speak God’s truth into one another’s lives. As believers, we become His ambassadors of love and service in the network of contacts which God has placed us each in.
We GO.
Christ tells us in Matthew 24:14, that the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. That end is the return of our King. Every follower of Christ is sent, every follower is a missionary, every follower is given the call to advance the Kingdom of God. The Going ministry is here to help you maintain that Kingdom focus, empowering you to obey God’s call on your life.