Our live stream is available in a number of different formats, including through our website, through our Facebook page and through your SmartTV.
Current and past sermons will be available on our website at https://newcommunity.family/live-stream. Look for the Live Stream link at the top of the Home page.
Like and follow us on our new public Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/familyofhousechurches/. You might want to double check and make sure you are set up to receive notifications for when new content is posted.
Finally, if you have a Roku, Amazon FireTV or AppleTV, look in your app store for the BoxCast app. Once installed, you can search for the New Community Church channel and will be able to watch current and past sermons right from your television set.
If you have any issues with watching the live stream, feel free to contact Paul at livestream@newcommunity.family for assistance.