Contact & Connect!

Are you new to our family? Would you like to sign up for an event or get plugged into a house church? Do you have a question or a prayer need? Would you like to receive or quarterly newsletter or weekly news email? We’d love to help! Please fill out the online form to get started.

Weekly News

Family Meeting

Sunday, Feb. 2, immediately following the second Gathering we will have a meal and have an opportunity to get updates, hear from one another, and share our hopes for 2025. Please bring at least one generous dish to share with your family and others.  The serving line will be in the back of the Community Room so enter from the lower level Family Ministry area.

New to Community

Are you new to New Community? This opportunity is for you. Over three weeks we will spend time enjoying a meal, getting to know each other, discovering what it’s like to be in a house church and what makes up our identity as New Community Church. Our staff and elders will host this event each Thursday in their homes starting Feb. 13th at 6:15 pm. Find out more and register HERE.

Missionary Updates

Student Housing

Hospitality is a quality commended and commanded in Scripture. Would you like an opportunity to show hospitality to a college student this summer? Each year we have college students from our church looking for homes to stay in over the summer while they intern in the area. Many of these students are willing to pay to stay. If you would like to host a student please reply to this email and let us know where you live and any other pertinent details, and we will connect you with any students in need.

Discipleship Group Training

We are offering a five-week experience to equip you to engage effectively in discipleship groups. These groups play an important role in care and discipleship on a deep, heart level.  In this training you will participate in practical exercises to be with Jesus, become like Him, and to do what he did. 

  • Sunday, Feb. 2-Mar. 2 at 10:45 am in the Equipping Room.

  • To find out more or to sign up click HERE.

House Church Leader Principles and Practices

This is a 9-week training to give prospective leaders and current house church leaders the nuts and bolts of living together as a family of missionary servants in a house church. 

  • Sunday, Feb. 2-March 30

  • To find out more or to sign up click HERE.

Elder Affirmation

The Elder Team would like to present Ryan Stover to the congregation for your affirmation to serve as an elder. The main purpose of Elders is to 1) oversee the church (1 Tim. 5:7; Titus 1:7; Acts 15:1-2; Acts 20:17-35; Heb. 13:17), 2) pray for the church (James 5:14; Acts 6:2-4), and 3) feed the church (1 Peter 5:1-4; Acts 6:2-4; Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17; Titus 1:9, 2:1). Ryan will be commissioned as an elder after a 30-day congregational affirmation period. Please see our Leadership Structure document to learn more about eldership appointments or to address any reservations you may have about Ryan serving as an elder.

New Community Kids Schedule