Shannon Jacobyansky

I could only see the branches bend and blow in the shadow of the midnight sky from the window and the sound of the rushing wind made the leaves clap in unison as if to applaud the incoming cold front. The wind chimes on my front porch danced making music to play along with natures transition to fall. How beautiful God’s creation played as it hushed my inmost being.

Last night reminded me of the mighty, rushing wind from heaven that came down on the first Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:2. “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”

Oh I imagine there might have been some fear in the eyes of those who were there that evening…especially when “divided tongues, as of fire” (Acts 2:3) filled the room. But what a night it was when the promised “Helper” arrived.

Many of us know about the Trinity…God the Father, Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit, but most of us often forget about the Holy Spirit and just how essential He is to the follower of Christ. The ladies retreat in September, led by Jill Morris, helped us all rediscover the importance of the Holy Spirit in our day to day life.

We learned we need to “turn down the volume”, based on Francis Chan’s book, “Remembering the Forgotten God”. What’s “volume”? Busyness. We are so consumed with “doing” we have neglected “being”. When is the last time you settled your inmost being to sit silently and hear the Holy Spirit within you?

The weekend was filled with fun and fellowship as we walked together and got to know one another better as sisters in Christ Jesus. The ladies leadership hopes all the women will come November 11th (details are coming) where we will meet again to love on each other and learn more about the Holy Spirit. Also, many of the house church women are going through Francis Chan’s book (mentioned above) together to help them understand just how key the Holy Spirit is in our every day walk…not just day by day, but moment by moment. If you would like to know how to get connected into one of these groups please reach out to Judy Jackson or Julia Boyd for more information!