Secret Servants



Not everyone has a green thumb.  I have tried to have one.  I’ve tried to feel what my mother always describes as “therapeutic - just getting one’s hands in the dirt and planting flowers.”  I just don’t feel it… and my flowers and flower beds probably reflect that.  However, I do truly appreciate those folks who do have green thumbs and the result of their planning and hard work.  They create beautiful landscapes for others to enjoy.  

That’s why every Sunday, entering the church property is so pleasant. 

New Community Church has a small band of folks who bless our gatherings with such talent.  They are like secret servants, you rarely see them, but every Sunday you see the lovely results of their hard work.  These “green thumbers” volunteer their time and talent, weeding, planting, mulching and ultimately creating  lovely, peaceful grounds that bless those of us coming to worship.  They use their love of gardening to serve the church body and to honor our great God.  

One of these gifted gardeners is Jennifer Lutes, and this is what she has to say about serving in this role:  

Over the past year, I have had the privilege of volunteering to plan and manage the flower beds surrounding the church alongside a team of committed and talented individuals. These flower beds help to create a positive first impression to visitors as well as show care and attention to our gathering space. 

I am especially thankful for the amazing support from our church community who answered our call to help with weeding this summer. All weeding zones have been covered and we appreciate your dedication to this important volunteer role.

My experience serving our church has been personally fulfilling and encouraging. Working alongside other members of our church truly exemplifies the meaning of family.

So, next time you come to our Sunday gathering, take a moment to look around and notice the lovely spaces these folks have created for us.